Since it is a large, diverse and geographically well spread with multiple divisions there is no one root or origin but the most prevalent theories of their origin are mentioned below.
Kapu seem to be the earliest inhabitants of the Deccan region who migrated from the North and cleared Forests for Agriculture and built Towns in the Deccan. They are considered to be the Original Aryan Descendants who migrated to South India.
Kapu Community are believed to be the descendants of migrants of the Kaampu tribe from Kampilya (near Ayodhya) and were one of the earliest inhabitants of South India who took to clearing the forests and starting agriculture in the Deccan and of the current day Andhra Pradesh.
They are also referred to as the Kaampu tribe in the Ancient Texts, which was also referred to as the Kossar tribe, who some historians believe established the Satavahanas and other ancient dynasties.
Kapu Community share a similar history to the Kurmi, Kunbis and Maratha castes.
The Mackenzie Manuscript suggests that Kapu Community are the Descendants of the many of the Ancient Kingdoms of Coastal AP like Satavahanas,Vishnukundis etc.
Colin Mackenzie was the Surveyor General of India who did extensive research from the available manuscripts of documented Indian history.
Kapu Community primarily served as Protectors of villages from Bandits in the Medieval Ages who later took to other Professions like Village heads and Farmers during times of peace.
During times of war they also served as Soldiers, Governors (Nayaks), Commanders in many of the Andhra Dynasties.
Hence the term Nayaka/Naidu becamse synonymous with the community
Kapu is a Dominant middle caste
Modern day Kapu Community is predominantly are an Agrarian community diversified into Business, Industry, Films, Academia, and IT etc.
Kapu in the Pre Kakatiyan period referred to soldiers and agriculturists.
Some of the occupations or responsibilities that “Kapus” had in the medieval period:
Village defence committees (Kapu)
Administration (Pedda Kapu)
People responsible for protecting the farms from bandits and those protecting livestock were (Panta Kapu).
The term Kapu has become synonymous with Agriculturists.
Hence Reddys are called Kapu in Telangana & Rayalaseema of Andhra Pradesh.Genetics of the Communities of A.P.
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